What to Look For in an E-Commerce Shopping Cart?

When choosing an e-commerce shopping cart, there are some important factors to consider. These factors include: Safe for customers, Price, Versatility, and Product reviews. Keep reading for more information. Listed below are the top five features to look for in an e-commerce shopping cart. A shopping cart should have these features and many more. It should have a calculator built in to compute exchange rates. It should also be available in multiple languages so that international shoppers can purchase products from your store.

Product reviews

If you want to attract more customers, adding product reviews to your e-commerce shopping cart is a great way to attract them. Reviews play a large part in a customer's decision-making process. It's important for business owners to collect reviews, display them at different touchpoints, and answer customer questions honestly and promptly. Listed below are some of the most effective ways to get more product reviews for your eCommerce shopping cart.

Google likes user-generated content, and product reviews contain many relevant keywords. As a result, they can boost your search engine rankings. Also, adding stars to product listings can improve your click-through rate, which is a major ranking factor in Google. And last but not least, customer reviews will make your product more attractive to customers. So, don't wait any longer! Add reviews to your e-commerce shopping cart today!

Another way to encourage more product reviews is to offer incentives for customers to leave reviews. For example, Adagio gives 5 points for every product review, and when a customer leaves five stars, he or she gets $10 towards another purchase. While customer reviews are a great way to encourage future purchases, it's important to note that you shouldn't over-promote them. A good incentive should encourage customers to write a review. However, be sure to pick an incentive that works for your business and keeps them motivated to leave you a review.

Having product reviews on your e-commerce website is important for several reasons. First of all, it allows consumers to market their brands. When consumers find a product they like, they are more likely to buy it. Second, reviews help companies make improvements. In fact, 93% of shoppers read product reviews before making a purchase. This means that product reviews are important for businesses of all sizes. And last but not least, they encourage other consumers to leave their own reviews.

Safe for customers

Security should always be a top priority when it comes to e-commerce shopping carts. ESP Webzing uses 256-bit security encryption for your customers' sensitive data, which is the same as banks use. It also uses Level 1 PCI DDS compliance for all financial transactions, which helps keep customer information safe. A secure shopping cart should also display prices in the customer's local currency, because the exchange rate may differ from what is displayed on your website.


When it comes to creating an e-commerce site, one of the most important features to look for is Versatility in an e-commerce software. Versatility is critical because your customers may use different devices to shop. According to statistics, 125 million Americans own a smart phone. And 62% of those people make purchases using their phones. This means that you need an e-commerce shopping cart that is compatible with a wide variety of devices.


When selecting an e-commerce shopping cart, price is one of the most important considerations for a merchant. Although the cheapest option is not always the best, a low price does not always mean the best cart. Self-hosted e-commerce shopping carts are generally cheaper but have limited functionality. They also require the merchant to invest in the technical resources necessary to maintain them. The most basic type of e-commerce shopping cart is the self-hosted version.


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